Old North of England saying #2285
Where there's muck there's brass. (‘Brass’ is a dialect word for money)
Thanks to:
Mike Swindlehurst - Bournemouth - United Kingdom - rec.:Feb 24, 2004 - pub.:Mar 1, 2004
Do it #912
Do, or do not. There is no try.
Thanks to:
Casey - Payls Valley - USA. - rec.:Dec 15, 2002 - pub.:Jan 3, 2003 - sent.:Feb 13, 2014
Be smart and think about it! #702
We don't see things as they are
We see them as we want them to be!
Thanks to:
Christian E - USA. - rec.:Oct 13, 2002 - pub.:Oct 17, 2002 - sent.:Nov 28, 2015
ON LIFE #1087
Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened!
Thanks to:
Amber - USA. - rec.:Feb 15, 2003 - pub.:Mar 17, 2003 - sent.:Dec 31, 2014