Word of the Day #1558
Allegory - n. a story or representation of ideas using fictional characters and events; an extended metaphor
Thanks to:
Anonymous - USA. - rec.:May 25, 2003 - pub.:May 25, 2003
Word of the Day #1559
Dogmatic - adj. stubbornly opinionated
Thanks to:
Anonymous - USA. - rec.:May 25, 2003 - pub.:May 25, 2003
Word of the Day #1553
Beguile - v. to influence by slyness
Thanks to:
Anonymous - USA. - rec.:May 25, 2003 - pub.:May 25, 2003
Oculus #1473
Oculus- n. an eye; the organ of sight
Thanks to:
The Word of the Day - USA. - rec.:May 7, 2003 - pub.:May 8, 2003