Homogeneous #1469
Homogeneous - adj. all of a similar kind or nature; composed of identical parts
Thanks to:
Word of the Day - USA. - rec.:May 7, 2003 - pub.:May 8, 2003
Word of the Day #1534
Emanate - v. to flow out of; proceed or issue forth
Thanks to:
Anonymous - USA. - rec.:May 25, 2003 - pub.:May 25, 2003
Word of the Day #1547
Daub - v. To apply or smear a soft adhesive substance such as plaster, grease, or mud to a surface
Thanks to:
Anonymous - USA. - rec.:May 25, 2003 - pub.:May 25, 2003
Word of the Day #1549
Blight - n. Something that impedes growth, withers hopes and ambitions, or impairs progress
Thanks to:
Anonymous - USA. - rec.:May 25, 2003 - pub.:May 25, 2003