My Little Boy #5366
When someone you really love leaves, don't mourn the lost but cherish the memories. Find something new to do, that you truly enjoy and you'll find something new to love. By SKD
Thanks to:
Susan Kay - Gresham - USA. - rec.:Jul 29, 2007 - pub.:Aug 29, 2007 - sent.:Mar 28, 2015
Love Lost #3830
It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.
- Alfred Lord Tennyson -
Thanks to:
Sarah B - Davidson - USA. - rec.:Aug 22, 2005 - pub.:Oct 17, 2005 - sent.:Aug 28, 2006
Doubt #4400
Doubt thou that the stars are fire
Doubt thou that the sun doth move
Doubt truth to be a liar
But never doubt that I love
- 'Hamlet', William Shakespeare
Thanks to:
Chantal - Jamaica - rec.:May 6, 2006 - pub.:Sep 5, 2006
Love Quote #4346
"Love is the only lovable thing on this lovely land called earth"
(Arshad Ali)
Thanks to:
Qasim Saroya - Faisalabad - Pakistan - rec.:Apr 16, 2006 - pub.:Apr 17, 2006