Never Fear #1715
We fear things the most that we know the least about.
Thanks to:
Joey - USA. - rec.:Jul 13, 2003 - pub.:Jul 15, 2003 - sent.:Sep 9, 2003
Love Is About An Equality.. #2703
Love is about an equality of hearts...appreciation...respect...when one compliments the other. There's no room for insult or inferiority!
Thanks to:
Julie S. - Louisiana - USA. - rec.:Aug 4, 2004 - pub.:Aug 5, 2004 - sent.:Jan 10, 2005
Of Wisdom #1118
Of wisdom, it is not for learning what that is knowledge, but for knowing what that is learned.
Thanks to:
TJZ - USA. - rec.:Feb 19, 2003 - pub.:Apr 4, 2003
Reality Versus Fantasy #2702
Reality is the here and now. Fantasy is whenever and then it's gone.
Thanks to:
Julie S. - Louisiana - USA. - rec.:Aug 4, 2004 - pub.:Aug 5, 2004 - sent.:Oct 15, 2004