POWER #3905
Your Position today is a function of your focus in life, What is your focus?
Thanks to:
Osuntokun Olufemi John - Port Harcourt - Nigeria - rec.:Sep 28, 2005 - pub.:Nov 1, 2005
In searching for information on any matter, it is easy to get too much information. We should all remember that the more information that we have, the greater the opportunity to choose the misinformation that suits our personal purposes.
Thanks to:
Walt Haskins - Lahaina, Hawaii - USA. - rec.:May 7, 2005 - pub.:May 24, 2005 - sent.:Dec 29, 2012
Measure of Success #3849
“Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles that one has overcome while trying to succeed.”
- Booker T. Washington -
Thanks to:
Cara - Regina - Canada - rec.:Aug 29, 2005 - pub.:Oct 17, 2005 - sent.:Nov 1, 2005
Reality are sometimes dreams #3202
Reality is sometimes reveal to us in our dreams. Once we are awake it maybe time to take heed.
Thanks to:
Brenda Nanoski - Merriam - USA. - rec.:Jan 13, 2005 - pub.:Feb 21, 2005