Day By Day #5142
Learn from Yesterday..
Live for today..
Hope for tomorrow..
Thanks to:
Smiley - Omaha - USA. - rec.:Apr 4, 2007 - pub.:May 8, 2007 - sent.:Jun 12, 2008
The Mermaid #6428
The Mermaid
A mermaid found a swimming lad,
Picked him for her own,
Pressed her body to his body,
Laughed; and plunging down forgot in cruel happiness
That even lovers drown
-William Butler Yeats
Thanks to:
Cris - Roselle - USA. - rec.:Jun 23, 2016 - pub.:Jun 23, 2016 - sent.:Sep 6, 2016
Linguistic Ecstasy #6281
Let these words tingle your heart, mind, and soul.
Make the words a rose that never gets old.
An epic of delight in each word told.
Wrap my words around your heart like a glove.
Every vowel will protect you with love.
Purify your heart with these verbal doves.
Let the letters caress your eyes with pleasure.
Each verse is a hug of priceless measure.
The consonants adore you like treasure.
Feel the elation jump off the paper.
Let the words lift you like a skyscraper.
Float away with the verbal love vapor.
Allow every verse to make your beautiful smile gigantic.
Feel every stanza like the semantics are romantic.
Thanks to:
Jean-Philippe Gibson - USA. - rec.:Jun 18, 2012 - pub.:Sep 9, 2013 - sent.:Sep 20, 2013
Success #6303
Success will smile at a man who refuses to lie down at the corridor of failure
Thanks to:
Oloruntade Ganiu - Lagos - Nigeria - rec.:Aug 30, 2013 - pub.:Sep 9, 2013 - sent.:Dec 1, 2013