[226] Interpersonal Skills |
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When Talking to Children #2379
When speaking to your children, say what you mean, mean what you say, but don't be mean when you say it.
Thanks to:
Maggie Brown - Parma - USA. - rec.:Mar 28, 2004 - pub.:Apr 21, 2004 - sent.:Feb 2, 2015
Perception of others #1981
The perception of wisdom is not measured in the words spoken, but in the restraint of the words that shouldn't be.
Thanks to:
Brandt Luksan - Houston - USA. - rec.:Sep 30, 2003 - pub.:Oct 22, 2003 - sent.:Dec 14, 2017
On Giving #2411
You make a living by what you get
You make a life by what you give
-Winston Churchill-
Thanks to:
R.RAMACHANDRA RAO - Hyderabad India - India - rec.:Apr 28, 2004 - pub.:Apr 28, 2004 - sent.:Sep 13, 2010
Leadership #2454
Leadership may get you to the top, however, everyone starts their way from the bottom, so remember the people at the bottom, give them credit when due!
Thanks to:
Fran - Manitoulin - Canada - rec.:May 13, 2004 - pub.:May 18, 2004 - sent.:Feb 3, 2015