Ants coming in? #3484
Sprinkle cinnamon at the point of entrance.
Thanks to:
Anonymous - USA. - rec.:May 9, 2005 - pub.:May 9, 2005 - sent.:Oct 10, 2005
Fabric Softener #5219
Being Soft on the Earth
In addition to caring for your laundry, a good fabric softener should care for our planet. Be sure to choose a concentrated formula that creates less waste and that will last you up to 3 times longer than a conventional softener. The container should be a material recyclable in almost all communities, such as HDPE 2 plastic. Read the ingredients carefully to be sure that your fabric softener does not contain any chlorine or phosphates, which would contaminate our soil and water.
Avoiding a “Shocking” Experience
Most of us have had the unpleasant experience of getting painful shocks in the winter after walking across the carpet and then touching just about anything. When we heat our homes to stay warm during the colder months of the year, moisture is removed from the air, creating a condition of low humidity. This causes the buildup of static electricity we often find in our carpets. To remedy the situation, try mixing a solution of 5 parts water to 1 part fabric softener. Pour into a spray bottle and lightly spray all carpets in your house. You’ll find winter takes on a softer touch.
Thanks to:
Vincent P Platania - Highland - USA. - rec.:May 14, 2007 - pub.:Jul 24, 2007 - sent.:Feb 28, 2008
Fruit Flies bothering you? #5354
Drill a hole in the cap of a 2-liter Coke bottle. Leave one inch of Classis Coke (not diet or caffeine-free) in the bottom of the bottle, and sit in on the counter top. Fruit files will crawl into the bottle to enjoy the Real Thing, but won’t be able to get back out.
Thanks to:
Anonymous - USA. - rec.:Jul 24, 2007 - pub.:Jul 24, 2007 - sent.:Sep 7, 2007
Cleaning the Glass Coffee Pot #4871
Stubborn coffee stains on the bottom (and sides) of your coffee pot? Just shake a little salt into the pot, break up a few ice cubes into it, and gently shake the pot so the ice/salt swirl around inside. Do that for 4-5 minutes and the thing will look like fine crystal.
Thanks to:
Chris Good - USA. - rec.:Nov 29, 2006 - pub.:Nov 29, 2006 - sent.:Jun 16, 2008