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  [230] One-Liners  50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58  
Flower Vases #1321

To thoroughly clean flower vases use hot water and household ammonia.

3.60 (5)

Thanks to: Anonymous - USA. - rec.:Apr 4, 2003 - pub.:Apr 4, 2003
Life Tip #1397

The pain of living is better than the absence of life.

3.60 (5)

Thanks to: Howard Crowe - Thunder Bay - Canada - rec.:Apr 19, 2003 - pub.:May 1, 2003
Success #1151

No success can compensate for failure in the home.

3.60 (5)

Thanks to: DeEtte Englebright - Annabella - USA. - rec.:Feb 26, 2003 - pub.:Apr 4, 2003
Challenge Chemistry #940

A challenge a day keeps your spirits high.

2.56 (9)

Thanks to: keeps your spiritsVelchal - Hyderabad - India - rec.:Dec 24, 2002 - pub.:Feb 13, 2003 - sent.:Mar 16, 2003
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