Today Matters a lot #3862
Did you know that Yesterday was only but a dream and tomorrow is only a vision? Therefore, today’s hard work will make every yesterday a dream of happiness an every tomorrow a vision of hope
Thanks to:
Mark Rotich - Nairobi - Kenya - rec.:Sep 7, 2005 - pub.:Nov 1, 2005 - sent.:Jan 23, 2006
Helping the enemy #3677
Never interrupt your enemy when is making a mistake
Thanks to:
ibrahim - lagos - Nigeria - rec.:Jul 7, 2005 - pub.:Jul 22, 2005 - sent.:Aug 7, 2005
Maturity #2244
"Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised, to carry money without spending it, and to bear an injustice without wanting to get even"
Thanks to:
Ingrid - Rockport - USA. - rec.:Feb 11, 2004 - pub.:Feb 16, 2004 - sent.:Mar 25, 2004
Theres No Prescription #1931
There is no prescribed way for everyone. There is just your Way for NOW--until you choose another.
Thanks to:
Joey - USA. - rec.:Aug 29, 2003 - pub.:Sep 12, 2003 - sent.:Oct 9, 2003