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  [230] One-Liners  44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52  
Early Bird Catches The Chicken. #315

Early To Bed Early To Wake Makes Man Or Woman Healthy Wealthy and Wise.

2.40 (15)

Thanks to: Sharan Matte - Pleasanton - USA. - rec.:May 21, 2002 - pub.:May 23, 2002
Carving and Cutting #400

The greatest carver does the least cutting.

- Tao Te Ching

3.13 (8)

Thanks to: Lee Won - Seoul - Korea - rec.:May 30, 2002 - pub.:May 31, 2002
Only the Lonely #266

"Solitary trees, if they grow at all, grow strong."
-Sir Winston Churchill

3.13 (8)

Thanks to: Xavier Adams - Atlanta - USA. - rec.:May 15, 2002 - pub.:May 19, 2002
Business Sense #246

Drive thy business or it will drive thee.
--Benjamin Franklin

3.29 (7)

Thanks to: Donald Murray - Chicago - USA. - rec.:May 15, 2002 - pub.:May 19, 2002
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