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  [74] Proverbs  5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13  
Chinese Proverb #1704

Great souls have wills feeble ones have only wishes.

4.08 (12)

Thanks to: Joey - USA. - rec.:Jul 13, 2003 - pub.:Jul 15, 2003 - sent.:May 14, 2011
Ancient Proverb #646

Are there many ways to see one thing, or is it a mistake to see many forms as one thing?

3.35 (20)

Thanks to: Funky Buddha - Eugene - USA. - rec.:Oct 1, 2002 - pub.:Oct 2, 2002
Misc. #2331

" It is better to have been a has been, than a never was."

4.18 (11)

Thanks to: CVT - El Monte - USA. - rec.:Mar 5, 2004 - pub.:Apr 21, 2004 - sent.:May 7, 2018
Change #1639

Knowledge is not power until you apply the knowledge to yourself.

4.00 (12)

Thanks to: Matt - Anaheim - USA. - rec.:Jul 4, 2003 - pub.:Jul 7, 2003 - sent.:May 10, 2011
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