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  [35] Stress Control  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  
Confront fear head on! #4

The best way to battle fear is never to avoid it, be alert to it, as it tends to hide from you or perhaps we want to hide from it as a defense mechanism. As soon as the feeling of fear emerges, go into yourself, first feel the emotion physically in the energy centers of your body typically tightness in your chest, solar plexus (the pit of the stomach) or your throat, then analyze your thoughts, do not resist, nothing you do can change the circumstances or person generating that feeling, no matter how bad it feels accept it as an unavoidable part of life, as you do, feel good about yourself you are becoming a better person! as each time you do this you enhanced the preparation for the next feeling of fear.

3.38 (13)

Thanks to: Anonymous - USA. - rec.:Mar 19, 2002 - pub.:Mar 19, 2002 - sent.:Dec 4, 2015
Guide to good decisions #3774

Define the situation.
Is there a problem that needs solving, or are you looking to make improvements?
Can the decision be broken down into smaller parts?
Is there a deadline for the decision?

Consider the impact of the decision.
How long will you be affected by it?
Is it reversible?
Who else will be affected by it?

Gather information and ideas.
Be creative about where you look for information.
Seek out different perspectives.

Write down your alternatives.
Generate a list of ideas.

Evaluate each option.
Picture how alternatives would be carried out.
What resources would be needed?
Imagine possible outcomes. List pros and cons.
Identify those that are deal makes or deal breakers.
These will depend on your values. Trust your instincts.

Realize that in many situations you are not going to find the perfect answer.
Once you have made a decision accept it. You may need to re-evaluate it as you go along, but don’t add stress by second-guessing yourself or by looking back.

The most important - try to make decisions when you are rested, relaxed and clearheaded.

4.29 (7)

Thanks to: Anonymous - USA. - rec.:Aug 9, 2005 - pub.:Aug 9, 2005 - sent.:Oct 16, 2015
Uplifting #2239

Look to the sun and the shadows will fall behind you!

3.78 (9)

Thanks to: Sam Anstey - Staffordshire - United Kingdom - rec.:Feb 10, 2004 - pub.:Feb 16, 2004 - sent.:Feb 9, 2015
Conquer fears like: public speaking, heights, claustrophobia and other anxieties, in five easy steps #26

When anxiety and fear comes in follow these five steps:

1.- Anticipate, permit and accept that fear will take place.
2.- As you feel anxious focus in the present, use all your senses to detect your surroundings.
3.- Rate your fear from 1 to 10 and feel it as it goes up and down.
4.- Question yourself, “What am I feeling?”, “ What exactly is happening to me?”
5.- Learn to perform with fear, feel good about yourself, and accept fear as normal.

3.00 (15)

Thanks to: Dan Greenhill - Middlebury - USA. - rec.:Mar 22, 2002 - pub.:Mar 22, 2002 - sent.:Mar 23, 2018
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