Words #2057
Keep your words soft and sweet.......You may eat them some day.
Thanks to:
Packrat - USA. - rec.:Nov 11, 2003 - pub.:Feb 2, 2004 - sent.:May 5, 2013
Bring out the child in you. #722
To become a successful man, you need to have knowledge in you.
To have knowledge, you need to have the curiosity in you.
To have the curiosity, you need to have the child in you.
Thanks to:
Abhishek Srivastava - Lucknow - India - rec.:Oct 18, 2002 - pub.:Oct 31, 2002 - sent.:May 13, 2015
Living with your problems #431
You can live with your problems, complain about them,
let them drag you down. Or you can get up, do something
about them, and free yourself for more positive
and productive pursuits.
-- Ralph Marston
Thanks to:
Jason Graham - Jackson Hole - USA. - rec.:Jun 4, 2002 - pub.:Jun 6, 2002 - sent.:Jun 29, 2013
Open Mind #425
In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities; in the expert's mind there are few.
-Shunryu Suzuki
Thanks to:
Soong Choo - Shanghai - China - rec.:Jun 1, 2002 - pub.:Jun 1, 2002 - sent.:Dec 8, 2015