IMPACT #2435
You are never important, until you are relevant.
Thanks to:
Oladapo Onasanya - Abeokuta - Nigeria - rec.:May 5, 2004 - pub.:May 11, 2004 - sent.:Jun 24, 2004
Bliss Is Ignorance #4378
The less we know about problems, the more we imagine ourselves wise in their solutions
Thanks to:
WALT HASKINS - Lahaina, Hawaii - USA. - rec.:Apr 29, 2006 - pub.:May 3, 2006
Question #229
There is no such thing called as STUPID question. Question is always to gain knowledge or to know things better.
Thanks to:
ahsan rauf - kuwait city - Kuwait - rec.:May 15, 2002 - pub.:May 19, 2002
Lifes Lessons #1606
"Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions they become habits."
Thanks to:
Errin Deckad - Lake City - USA. - rec.:Jun 14, 2003 - pub.:Jun 27, 2003