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  [32] Fitness  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
Eat Kale and Tone your muscles #6395

Plant compounds in kale (lipoic acid and nitrate) soak into muscle cells and switch on the metabolic pathways that prompt muscles to grow stronger and more toned.
Enjoy one cup of kale a day and Swiss researchers say you could see noticeable improvements in your muscle tone within ten days.

4.00 (3)

Thanks to: Anonymous - USA. - rec.:Mar 8, 2016 - pub.:Mar 8, 2016 - sent.:May 10, 2016
Well-being #6509

Robin Marcus, PT, PhD associate professor of physical therapy at the University of Utah Health Science says: “Two minutes is about how much time you should spend strolling every hour to combat the harmful effects of sitting. In fact, a brisk walk could lower your risk of premature death by 33%. Set an alarm for every 30 to 60 minutes and take a lap around the office and when watching TV at home, use commercial brakes as a remainder to get moving.

4.00 (3)

Thanks to: Anonymous - USA. - rec.:Sep 26, 2016 - pub.:Sep 26, 2016 - sent.:Oct 4, 2016
Need to lose some weight? #6175

Adopting a healthy low-calorie diet is a good start. In fact, cutting 500 calories from your daily diet, can help you lose about a pound a week, (3,500 calories equal 1 pound of fat). Combine that healthy diet with 45 to 60 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise four days a week to help increase your weight loss. Being active burns calories and can help you follow a healthy diet

4.00 (3)

Thanks to: Cami - Schaumburg - USA. - rec.:Dec 8, 2010 - pub.:Dec 8, 2010 - sent.:Mar 24, 2011
Read 2 Books a Month #6255

If you read 25 pages a day, 6 days a week during your exercie time (walking, biking, elliptical, etc.) you will be able to read two, 300+ page books EVERY MONTH!

3.00 (3)

Thanks to: Mike - USA. - rec.:Nov 26, 2011 - pub.:Sep 4, 2013 - sent.:Sep 22, 2013
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