Growth Hormone Increases Lean Body Mass, Decreases Fat Mass, But Also Increases Glucose Intolerance #931
This study looked at the effect of supplementation of human growth hormone (20 ug/kg SQ 3x/wk) with or without sex steroids (estradiol/medroxyprogesterone for women or testosterone for men) in a group of elderly men and women (aged 65 to 88 years). It found positive benefits for HGH in terms of lean body mass and fat mass, but the HGH was associated with an increase in diabetes and glucose intolerance. [ JAMA Vol. 288 No. 18, November 13, 2002 ]...
Thanks to:
Medjournal.com - USA. - rec.:Dec 21, 2002 - pub.:Feb 13, 2003 - sent.:Jun 16, 2003
Dodging the common cold #4096
To prevent or slow the spread of the common cold in your household, take these common-sense precautions.
1. Wash your hands frequently and teach children to do the same. Dry with a paper towel instead of a shared cloth towel.
2. Keep your hands away from your face. Cold viruses on your hands can easily enter your body through your eyes or nose.
3. Clean commonly touched surfaces, such as doorknobs, and telephones, with a disinfectant. If your child has a cold, wash or disinfect his or her toys after play.
4. Always sneeze or cough into tissues and discard used tissues right away.
5. Do not share drinking glasses or utensils with other family members.
Thanks to:
Anonymous - USA. - rec.:Jan 2, 2006 - pub.:Jan 2, 2006 - sent.:Jul 9, 2006
Law salt diet #3758
You may be surprised to learn that many cuts of uncooked poultry contain added sodium.
To identify those cuts, check the label for these words: “Contains a solution of water, salt, and sodium phosphate.”
Thanks to:
Anonymous - USA. - rec.:Aug 5, 2005 - pub.:Aug 5, 2005 - sent.:Sep 1, 2005
Understanding the mystery of Hiccups. #2113
Hiccups are those irritating little contractions of your abdominal muscles. The muscles are trying to crush some unwelcome air bubbles that invaded your stomach. Think about it, they always occur after you haven't eaten for a while, your mouth is watering, so you grab a bite of food, then unfortunately you begin to hiccup. Some people are lucky they can just belch. How can you help your belly muscles destroy those pesky air bubble invaders? Well, here is all you have to do: Place one or two teaspoons of plain sugar in your mouth, swallowing as the sugar dissolves, a sip or two of water is permissible only after you have swallowed the dissolved sugar. In less than two or three minutes, your belly muscles will win the battle, no more hiccups, and please begin eating on a regular schedule. CAUTION: If your physician has told you to stay away from sugar, then do not use this hiccup curing process. This is only for those hiccupped who can tolerate the consumption of sugar.
Thanks to:
William Mahan - Houston - USA. - rec.:Dec 14, 2003 - pub.:Feb 2, 2004 - sent.:Feb 20, 2004