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  [305] Words of Knowledge  28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36  
Facts #2099

People argue against theories but no-body argues against facts as they think they are true but after all, facts are just theories which no-one argues against.

3.25 (12)

Thanks to: Glenn Williams - Carrickfergus - United Kingdom - rec.:Dec 3, 2003 - pub.:Dec 4, 2003 - sent.:Feb 19, 2018
The four kinds of people in the world #3969

There are four kinds of people in the world:
1.Those who know and know not that they know-are asleep, awake them.
2.Those who know not and know not that they know not-are ignorant; teach them.
3.Those who know not but think that they know-are fools, avoid them.
4.And then there are those who know and know that they know-are wise, follow them.

4.50 (6)

Thanks to: Maesah Nelson - Bear - USA. - rec.:Oct 23, 2005 - pub.:Nov 1, 2005
Ch.rish ones freedom #608

Your freedom is precious and free. It you have no wish to keep it then someone will take it away from thee.

3.50 (10)

Thanks to: Lela - BowlingGreen - USA. - rec.:Sep 17, 2002 - pub.:Oct 2, 2002
Don't Use Your Tongue Too Sharply...... #2700

Don't use your tongue to sharply with others. Because one day it will be the knife that slices your head off!

3.67 (9)

Thanks to: Julie S. - Louisiana - USA. - rec.:Aug 4, 2004 - pub.:Aug 5, 2004 - sent.:Aug 18, 2004
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