How to write #616
Write to the point not to confuse or amuse with vast words.
Thanks to:
Alison Lewis - USA. - rec.:Sep 20, 2002 - pub.:Oct 2, 2002
judgement #577
If you judge someone by how they look, then its time look at yourself.
Thanks to:
yvette - USA. - rec.:Aug 26, 2002 - pub.:Oct 1, 2002
Difference #1189
"The only difference between a madman and me is, I am not mad"
Salvador Dali
Thanks to:
Vaughn - Wichita - USA. - rec.:Mar 5, 2003 - pub.:Apr 4, 2003
We don't Understand #201
We see, hear, talk, yet we done understand one another.
Thanks to:
Nicole Deriger - Lachine - Canada - rec.:May 11, 2002 - pub.:May 17, 2002 - sent.:Jul 12, 2002