Friendly Foes #2801
We should always be suspicious of any stranger that approaches us like a friendly puppy.
Thanks to:
Walt Haskins - Lahaina, Hawaii - USA. - rec.:Aug 29, 2004 - pub.:Sep 15, 2004 - sent.:Mar 1, 2005
Past Present and Future #2965
The past is unchangeable, the future too uncertain, but the present is here now, so enjoy the time you have now because it’s gone in a flash.
Thanks to:
steven delgado - victorville - USA. - rec.:Oct 22, 2004 - pub.:Nov 17, 2004 - sent.:Oct 18, 2017
Decision's #2842
The decision you make today, will affect your tomorrow.
Choose wisely.
Thanks to:
Walter Sawicki II - St. Louis - USA. - rec.:Sep 5, 2004 - pub.:Sep 15, 2004 - sent.:Nov 18, 2004
House or Home? #1532
A house is not a home unless there is love therein!
Thanks to:
john magel - winnipeg - Canada - rec.:May 25, 2003 - pub.:Jun 3, 2003 - sent.:Feb 6, 2014