Life's Lessons #4125
Yesterday’s memories impact our life today, make today worthwhile so that tomorrow it may impact your future for the best.
Thanks to:
Fran - Manitoulin - Canada - rec.:Jan 17, 2006 - pub.:Feb 2, 2006
Cheering People Up #2203
Beyond the gray cloud, lies a rainbow!
Thanks to:
Kelly Cannon - Hampton - USA. - rec.:Feb 2, 2004 - pub.:Feb 2, 2004 - sent.:Feb 9, 2004
Scorched or burnt pots? #1320
Sprinkle on a goodly amount of baking soda and add just enough water to moistened.
Let it stand overnight and you can usually lift the burned portion right out of the pan.
Thanks to:
Anonymous - USA. - rec.:Apr 4, 2003 - pub.:Apr 4, 2003 - sent.:May 23, 2003
Bug Problems? #2739
If mosquitoes bite you often, try taking a spoonful of vinegar every morning. The vinegar changes the smell of what comes out of your pores to a repelling scent, which the mosquitoes can pick up.
Thanks to:
Christie - Seattle - USA. - rec.:Aug 8, 2004 - pub.:Aug 27, 2004 - sent.:Sep 7, 2004