Beware of those that want you to lend them your ears, because what they are really after is what is between them.
Thanks to:
Walt Haskins - Lahaina, Hawaii - USA. - rec.:Nov 20, 2004 - pub.:Dec 15, 2004 - sent.:Jun 22, 2006
Only Human..s #2048
Strange that Human's - the only animal with the power of reason, doesn't protect it's habitat, community or species.
Thanks to:
Zunaid Rasdien - Johannesburg - South Africa - rec.:Nov 6, 2003 - pub.:Feb 2, 2004 - sent.:Sep 1, 2004
True wealth #2461
A rich man is poor if he feels himself deficient; a poor man is rich if he feels himself abundant.
Thanks to:
Walt Haskins - Laaina, Hawaii - USA. - rec.:May 16, 2004 - pub.:May 20, 2004 - sent.:Jun 20, 2004
Love #2255
When you have touched someone's heart with true love, you have lived the best that life in this world has to offer.
Thanks to:
Buddy Vergo - North Tonawanda, NY - USA. - rec.:Feb 17, 2004 - pub.:Feb 19, 2004 - sent.:Feb 28, 2004