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  [305] Words of Knowledge  30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38  

Beware of those that want you to lend them your ears, because what they are really after is what is between them.

4.00 (7)

Thanks to: Walt Haskins - Lahaina, Hawaii - USA. - rec.:Nov 20, 2004 - pub.:Dec 15, 2004 - sent.:Jun 22, 2006
Only Human..s #2048

Strange that Human's - the only animal with the power of reason, doesn't protect it's habitat, community or species.

4.00 (7)

Thanks to: Zunaid Rasdien - Johannesburg - South Africa - rec.:Nov 6, 2003 - pub.:Feb 2, 2004 - sent.:Sep 1, 2004
True wealth #2461

A rich man is poor if he feels himself deficient; a poor man is rich if he feels himself abundant.

4.00 (7)

Thanks to: Walt Haskins - Laaina, Hawaii - USA. - rec.:May 16, 2004 - pub.:May 20, 2004 - sent.:Jun 20, 2004
Love #2255

When you have touched someone's heart with true love, you have lived the best that life in this world has to offer.

4.00 (7)

Thanks to: Buddy Vergo - North Tonawanda, NY - USA. - rec.:Feb 17, 2004 - pub.:Feb 19, 2004 - sent.:Feb 28, 2004
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