Word of the Day #1548
Enclave - n. an enclosed territory that is culturally distinct or separated from the surrounding area
Thanks to:
Anonymous - USA. - rec.:May 25, 2003 - pub.:May 25, 2003
Money Talks The Best Language.... #2886
Money talks the best language to those who are schooled only in the tongues of greed and materialism!
Thanks to:
Julie Sullivan - Louisiana - USA. - rec.:Sep 15, 2004 - pub.:Nov 1, 2004
Sugarcoat... #3098
You can sugarcoat the truth as much as you like. But in the end it will still be a sweet lie!
Thanks to:
Julie Sullivan - Louisiana - USA. - rec.:Dec 6, 2004 - pub.:Dec 15, 2004
Nice Guys... #2745
Nice guys finish last in the race between good and evil.
Thanks to:
Julie Sullivan - Louisiana - USA. - rec.:Aug 13, 2004 - pub.:Aug 27, 2004