Careful with your signature #2343
Only put your signature to something that you are able to successfully defend to a hostile barrister in a court of law.
Thanks to:
Mike Swindlehurst - Bournemouth - United Kingdom - rec.:Mar 12, 2004 - pub.:Apr 21, 2004 - sent.:May 4, 2011
The Warning #1203
If you can't be a shining example, then just serve as a horrible warning.
Thanks to:
Carla - Baltimore - USA. - rec.:Mar 9, 2003 - pub.:Apr 11, 2003 - sent.:Feb 13, 2016
preachers #464
Never trust a preacher that wears a rolex. He's in it for the money.
Thanks to:
tom west - grand prairie texas - USA. - rec.:Jun 14, 2002 - pub.:Jun 14, 2002 - sent.:Jul 26, 2016
Forgiveness #265
"To err is human; to forgive, divine."
-Alexander Pope,
Thanks to:
Matt Howard - Charleston - USA. - rec.:May 15, 2002 - pub.:May 19, 2002 - sent.:Jan 28, 2014