Soft Water #324
Water is the softest thing, yet it can penetrate mountains and earth. This shows clearly the principle of softness overcoming hardness.
Lao Zi
Thanks to:
Hunter Pierce - Laguna Beach - USA. - rec.:May 22, 2002 - pub.:May 23, 2002
Perfection #270
He who treads the Path in earnest
Sees not the mistakes of the world;
If we find fault with others
We ourselves are also in the wrong.
-The Sutra of Hui Neng
Thanks to:
Adam Waters - Ottawa - Canada - rec.:May 16, 2002 - pub.:May 19, 2002
Spreading Joy #134
Joy calls happiness, sadness and dissatisfaction makes it flee. A merry heart creates around itself always more light and revival.
--Matsumoto Jitsudo
Thanks to:
Endo - Kyoto - Japan - rec.:May 6, 2002 - pub.:May 6, 2002 - sent.:Mar 6, 2002
The Four-letter Words That defy Reason. #1051
Hate takes its mould in the latently observable; love has its matrix in the imperceptible.
Thanks to:
Akinsipe Victor - Ibadan,Oyo State. - Nigeria - rec.:Feb 8, 2003 - pub.:Feb 24, 2003