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  [305] Words of Knowledge  47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55  
Wearing Blinders #3127

People wear blinders when they refuse to see a person for what that person is in the light of day!
- Julie Sullivan -

3.29 (7)

Thanks to: Julie Sullivan - Louisiana - USA. - rec.:Dec 12, 2004 - pub.:Jan 3, 2005 - sent.:Mar 8, 2005
Compassion #369

If we single-pointedly practice great compassion, then, with little effort, we will be able to gain all other virtues.

-Geshe Namgyal Wangchen

3.29 (7)

Thanks to: Sara Hammond - Carlisle - United Kingdom - rec.:May 28, 2002 - pub.:May 29, 2002
Immortatlity #308

He is the eternal Reality, sing the scriptures,
And the ground of existence. Those who perceive him in every creature. Merge in him and are released from the wheel Of birth and death.

-Shvetashvatara Upanishad

3.29 (7)

Thanks to: Mick Waters - Oakland - USA. - rec.:May 20, 2002 - pub.:May 21, 2002
Enlightenment #293

Just as material things are made of dust, so too are our perceptions and thoughts mere dust. Just as it takes only a moment to wipe the dust from the surface of a mirror, so it takes only a moment to become enlightened, the moment all defiled intentions are cleared from our consciousness, we will see ourselves in the mirror of perfect truth.

-Master Hsing Yun, "Describing the Indescribable"

3.50 (6)

Thanks to: Frank Won - Seoul - Korea - rec.:May 18, 2002 - pub.:May 19, 2002
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