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  [101] Cooking  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  
Olive Sparkers #1330

Improve the flavor of ripe olives by letting them stand overnight in olive oil to which you have added a tiny clove of garlic

3.65 (20)

Thanks to: Anonymous - USA. - rec.:Apr 4, 2003 - pub.:Apr 4, 2003
Bitter Eggplants #1673

If eggplant is bitter it’s probably because you stored it in the refrigerator.
That also brings on brown spots. Keep it at room temperature.

3.93 (15)

Thanks to: Anonymous - USA. - rec.:Jul 8, 2003 - pub.:Jul 8, 2003
Stale marshmallows? #2526

If a bag of marshmallows get stale, drop a couple of slices of fresh bread in the bag, leave it closed for a couple of days. They will become soft and fresh tasting.

4.78 (9)

Thanks to: Anonymous - USA. - rec.:Jun 8, 2004 - pub.:Jun 8, 2004
Boiling & poaching eggs #2304

When boiling eggs prick a tiny hole at the flatter end and add a small quantity of vinegar to the water to prevent white leaking - when poaching eggs again add a small quantity of vinegar to the water to keep the white together (no more white jelly fish!)

4.08 (13)

Thanks to: mike swindlehurst - bournemouth - United Kingdom - rec.:Feb 29, 2004 - pub.:Mar 1, 2004
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