Be Careful #876
Don't get too influenced by one person's opinion. You might as well look within yourself and get influenced by your gut instinct.
Thanks to:
Swati Kour - Mississauga - Canada - rec.:Dec 7, 2002 - pub.:Dec 8, 2002 - sent.:Mar 4, 2011
Trust within yourself #343
"Don't go by gossip and rumor, nor by what's told you by others, nor by what you hear said, nor even by the authority of your traditional teachings. Don't go by reasoning, nor by inferring one thing from another, nor by argument about methods, nor from liking an opinion, nor from awe of the teacher and thinking he must be deferred to.
"Instead, Kalamas, when you know from within yourselves that certain teachings are not good, that when put into practice they lead to loss and suffering, you must then trust yourselves and reject them."
-Anguttara Nikaya
Thanks to:
Phil Chung - Hudson - USA. - rec.:May 23, 2002 - pub.:May 24, 2002 - sent.:May 9, 2018
Living In A Dream World #3128
Living in a dream world is for those who refuse to wake up to reality!
- Julie Sullivan -
Thanks to:
Julie Sullivan - Louisiana - USA. - rec.:Dec 12, 2004 - pub.:Jan 3, 2005 - sent.:May 10, 2018
Words of knowledge #1525
Life is but a dream,
We only awake from the dream
When we die!
Thanks to:
ANYIMAN OGU - LAGOS - Nigeria - rec.:May 24, 2003 - pub.:Jun 3, 2003 - sent.:Dec 11, 2010